Webinar: Uncertainty in Ukraine (and Beyond)

How do we deal with uncertainty in a globally connected world? Uncertainty is nothing new. It's an ongoing factor in global markets that can be embraced and often managed in investment portfolios. In this webinar, we will cover: potential impacts of Russia and Ukraine on your portfolio, the ripple effects of the war on inflation, interest rates, oil, and continuing market volatility, thoughts on what you could consider doing now, and updates regarding ongoing developments.

Financial Advice Is Useless – Without Empathy

Financial advice is useless - without empathy. At Foster Group, we want to hear your story. Your goals. Your worries about the future. Only then can we help you feel confident about all aspects of your financial life.

The Joy, Excitement, and Relief of Life

At Foster Group, we know there are more important things than money. There's the joy of providing a lovely home for your family. The excitement of an early retirement. The relief knowing that an unexpected emergency won't ruin your finances. At Foster Group, we're invested in the things that make life, life. And how to get there.

The Joy, Excitement, and Relief of Life

At Foster Group, we know there are more important things than money. There's the joy of providing a lovely home for your family. The excitement of an early retirement. The relief knowing that an unexpected emergency won't ruin your finances. At Foster Group, we're invested in the things that make life, life. And how to get there.

May 14, 2020 J. Ann Selzer Event

Watch J. Ann Selzer's data-driven presentation on the political scene over the past year, the trends around the upcoming general election, and other topics.

When It’s Time to Call in a Pro

Hiring a pro is never a cut and dried decision but when it’s necessary, I’ve found that I gain time, peace of mind, and often better results than what I could have achieved on my own. While I’m still a DYI’er at heart, I have learned to recognize when it’s time to call in a pro!

Wealth With More Purpose

Since 1989, Foster Group’s values-driven team has helped those we serve pursue their personal definitions of Wealth with More Purpose.

Foster Group: Truly Cared For

We strive for our clients to feel truly cared for, but what does that really mean? Hear from the team at Foster Group on what "truly cared for" means to them.