Cyber Coverage

For years we’ve suggested cyber coverage to all our business clients. What started with businesses moved over to the personal insurance world via home, auto, or umbrella policies. Now almost every policy we write includes some sort of cyber coverage. Let's explore the ins-and-outs of cyber insurance for you personally.

Avoid Being Surprised by Insurance Policy Changes

It’s that time of year — you know, the time when you receive a large envelope from your insurance company with your renewal documents. Do you look at the documents? Check out a few of the items we’re seeing in the marketplace today.

Winning Strategies in a High-Cost Healthcare Market

Small business owners face many challenges in today’s competitive environment. We often hear of the burden rising healthcare costs have on a business’s sustainability, profitability, and ability to attract and retain key talent. Let’s explore some winning strategies that have been implemented by a variety of businesses across the area.

Five Myths Your Landlord Wants You To Believe

It can be difficult to discern fact from fiction when dealing with landlords. A misunderstanding of these key issues can have serious consequences for your practice. The following information should help dispel some common myths and prevent costly mistakes in your next lease negotiation.

What Really is the Annual Enrollment Period?

Hopefully, you have read my first two blogs that talked about Medicare Supplement and Drug plans and the difference with Medicare Advantage plan designs. The last of this series will talk about the Annual Enrollment Period and what can really happen here.