The Influence of Trust

A good relationship with our clients comes down to a handful of things. One of those things is whether a client trusts that we know more than they do about the type of investing we do at Foster Group.

You Will Have Forgotten Monday, July 19

By the time you read this, you will have most likely forgotten today. My guess is that you won’t remember what went on this day. You might remember a feeling or thought you had when you heard what was happening in the stock market. But then, you sent an email, mowed your lawn, took your dog on a walk and ate something healthy, like broccoli, for dinner.

Google Maps Reminded Me I’m Not a Robot

At Foster Group, we believe technology is an incredible asset when it comes to planning and portfolio construction. We also believe that human beings are not robots and determining what to do with your money requires more than an advanced algorithm – as great and helpful as these are.

Are You Investing or Playing a Completely Different Game?

Investing in the market is not about getting rich quick. It’s not led by FOMO, the fear of missing out. Ideally, it’s not driven by fear or greed at all. It’s patient, thoughtful, intentional and guided by a long-term vision of success.