Are You Hungry?

Often times, we think about giving to those in need or supporting our favorite non-profit organization(s) at Thanksgiving and Christmas or, with end-of-year gifts. This is great, however, the need to feed is ongoing. So the question, “Are you hungry?” is more about “Are you interested in learning more about how you can become more generous than you already are today?” 

What If…

What if my spouse is gone tomorrow? What if I live to 110? What If I want to retire as soon as possible? What if I have a Long-Term Care event? Where do you seek guidance, clarity, and understanding on your financial plan to help address these questions?

When Lightning Strikes

Is your financial plan ready to weather a storm? Will you be caught off guard, as we were just weeks ago, or are you prepared? One of the advantages of working with a Financial Advisor is that he or she will build a plan that takes into account the inevitability of future storms. 

Alphabet Soup

Many industries use acronyms. Financial services are no different: QCD, RMD, DAF, and IRA to name a few. They each have their own rules and guidelines. We enjoy working with clients on a daily basis to help make sense of these terms.