Raising Kids, Lowering Taxes

Raising kids costs money. But what if I told you that raising kids also lowers taxes? Here are a few areas of tax relief available to parents.

Psychology and Wealth

The different ways people react to and treat wealth and finances is fascinating. Although not everyone can be put in a box, there are five main personality types when it comes to psychology and wealth: Neuroticism/Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness. 

Prioritize Your Financial Goals

The best way to accomplish your financial goals is by being intentional with the money that comes in. Identify the priorities you have for your money. You could break those priorities into four categories: Due, Extend, Gift, and Spend. 

Money Can’t Buy Happiness, or Can It

The book Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending by Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton has changed the way I think and feel about spending. It’s based on academic research that identifies ways that spending can increase our joy, something I didn’t think possible before reading this book!

Money and Emotions

The first step to managing emotions in financial decisions is to understand the script or story you are telling yourself about money and where it came from.

Mega Backdoor Roth IRAs: What You Should Know

A mega backdoor Roth is a great option to quickly build a tax-free bucket of money for individuals who have maxed out other retirement savings vehicles, still have surplus to be invested, and have a 401(k) plan that allows for this strategy. Consider this an additional tool in your toolbox. 

Medicare Advantage Plans: What is Joe Namath Really Talking About?

In 2006, the Federal government created an alternate design in the Medicare market to complement supplement plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans. They’re called Medicare Advantage plans. Although the start was a bit rocky, carriers have learned and grown with their plan designs. Here are some of the most talked about design concepts of the Medicare Advantage plans.

Med School Grads, Do These Three Things First

As a recent medical school graduate, resident, or doctor early in your career, there are a few key things to consider for your financial well-being. The earlier you develop a strategy for these things, the greater the benefit.

Maximize Your Limits

As many people are receiving their first paycheck of 2020, it is important to review your pay stub in order to maximize income. There are several changes you may want to make as we head into 2020.

Life is Full of Taxes

As the calendar races to a close, it’s important to consider the impact of selling securities in a non-qualified (aka brokerage or non-retirement) account. While everyone’s situation is different, it’s important to understand the basics.

Let Charitable Giving Take the Sting Out of Taxes

Foster Group has a number of philanthropically-focused team members who can walk you through the integration of charitable intent with your financial plan. There are several ways to give, save taxes, help worthy organizations, and leave a legacy both through heirs and non-profit organizations.