What to Do If Forced Into Retirement Early

Yet, all too often, there is a second group of retirees for whom retirement is filled with uncertainty. Let’s say that at age 58, suddenly you are forced to retire. This could be a full five to seven years before you planned. What do you do now? 

Let Charitable Giving Take the Sting Out of Taxes

Foster Group has a number of philanthropically-focused team members who can walk you through the integration of charitable intent with your financial plan. There are several ways to give, save taxes, help worthy organizations, and leave a legacy both through heirs and non-profit organizations.

Saving for a Rainy Day

According to a 2020 Federal Reserve study, 36% of American adults do not have enough cash to cover a $400 unexpected expense1. While the opposite 64% say they DO have enough, that still leaves around 90 million American adults unable to handle a modest money disruption in their lives. 

How to Plan a Business Exit

Do I keep or do I sell? Business owners planning an exit should examine this question every 90 days. Here are five stages to building value in a business.

8 Changes from SECURE Act 2.0

On December 29th, 2022, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act 2.0 was officially signed into law. The act includes 90+ provisions designed to help savers and people in or near retirement. Here are 8 key changes from the act.

The Power of Delegation for Executives

Are you making the most of the rewards for your hard work? Your organization benefits from your time, effort, and management skills, but does your family get the most from all that effort?

Single Stock- Too Much of a Good Thing

Executives often have a significant portion of their wealth in their company stock. For retiring or retired executives, or those who have more than their holding requirements, we work to determine how much, if any, they should continue to hold and how to tax-efficiently decrease their exposure as needed.

The Invisible Tax

One of the things married couples often do not consider in their planning is what I like to call the “Invisible Tax.”