Alphabet Soup

Many industries use acronyms. Financial services are no different: QCD, RMD, DAF, and IRA to name a few. They each have their own rules and guidelines. We enjoy working with clients on a daily basis to help make sense of these terms.

5/29 is for 529’s

May 29th is National 529 plan day. While there are many ways to save for future college expenses, a 529 plan remains one of the best.

Raising Kids, Lowering Taxes

Raising kids costs money. But what if I told you that raising kids also lowers taxes? Here are a few areas of tax relief available to parents.

Vaccine for Physician Pocketbooks

While many in the healthcare profession are working tirelessly to meet the demands the COVID-19 virus has placed on the system, others have seen their hours cut and sources of income dwindle. Here are some options for those of you whose financial situation has changed dramatically in the past few months.

Asking the Right Question

As a paramedic, my dad built a career out of caring for people, and in virtually every instance, did so by starting with one simple question: "What hurts?" For over 30 years now at Foster Group, we've been asking the same question. 

Health, Wealth, and Time

David Safris, President and Co-owner of Visionary Services, Inc., shares how long-term planning and balancing health, wealth, and time helped him pursue a lifelong dream.

Med School Grads, Do These Three Things First

As a recent medical school graduate, resident, or doctor early in your career, there are a few key things to consider for your financial well-being. The earlier you develop a strategy for these things, the greater the benefit.