June 7, 2021 Financial Perspectives

It’s summertime and we have two summer’s worth of movies to look forward to after 2020’s reduced calendar. AMC, a company that runs movie theaters has seen their stock value go way up in the past few weeks. Is this about great movies or something else? This week Kent Kramer talks about two different valuation theories: Firm Foundation Theory and Castle-in-the-air Theory.

June 22, 2020 Financial Perspectives

0:45 - News: June 15th – June 19th, 2020
2:49 - Markets: June 15th – June 19th, 2020
3:47 - What Is a REIT?
4:28 - How Have REITs Been Impacted So Far in 2020?
5:14 - REIT Sectors & YTD Returns
6:55 - A Closer Look at Office REITs

June 21, 2021 Financial Perspectives

As investors we are bombarded with continuous news on the stock market and bonds. We think it can be helpful to take a step back and ask the question: are the indexes on the financial media a proper point of reference for you?

July 28, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:14 - News: July 13th - July 24th
4:06 - Market News: July 13th - July 24th
5:40 - Are We There Yet?
7:56 - Which Party Is Better?
11:10 - Seeing Only the Negative

July 13, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:25 - News: June 27th to July 10th
3:49 - Recent Market News & 2020 First Half Markets
6:40 - Headline Risks
12:04 - Know the Sources of Headline Risk
13:53 - Resist Investment Action Based on Headline Risk
15:04 - Develop a Checklist for Headline Risk

January 25, 2021 Financial Perspectives

Four years ago, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States and small company stocks went up over 20% in three months post-election. In the three months since Joe Biden was elected President of the United States, small company stocks are up over 30%. Do small company stock investors just like new Presidents?

Having Faith When It’s Scary

Market volatility can sometimes be downright scary. The other day, I read that the quarter ending June 30th was the 16th worst quarter in the history of the stock market. Even worse, the first quarter was bad too, making it one of the very worst six-month periods in nearly a century. How does an investor respond?

Happy New Year? | Financial Perspectives

Market returns for the first three weeks of 2022 have not been full of happy reports. US stocks, especially some of the biggest names and winners of 2020 and 2021 have fallen into what is called “correction” territory. Is inflation and the concern with rising interest rates the whole story?

Good News About Portfolio Costs from DFA

Investors will benefit from a reduction in investment costs associated with funds managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), effective February 28, 2020. 

Fitch Downgrade: A Closer Look | Financial Perspectives

Fitch downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. While this news may raise some eyebrows, it is essential to keep it in perspective. This week, Matt Moklestad and Michael Westphal have a conversation about its implications and the necessity of diversification.

Fitch Downgrade – A Closer Look

Fitch, downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. The Fitch downgrade serves as a reminder of the necessity of diversification, as no investment is entirely risk-free.