The Invisible Tax

One of the things married couples often do not consider in their planning is what I like to call the “Invisible Tax.”

Don’t Leave Your Last Round to Chance

I certainly would argue that building a business is more than just a dice game, but both involve risk. How you fill out your scoresheet in Yahtzee is a good example of what business owners might decide to do with their business profits.

Water Cooler Advice May Be All Watered Down

While executive benefits such as stock options, other equity compensation, and deferred compensation can be powerful accumulation tools, knowing how they fit into your overall financial picture can be challenging. 

Iowa Income Tax Changes Have an Impact in 2022

One of the significant changes in the tax reform bill signed by Governor Reynolds on March 1, is the eventual elimination of federal tax deductibility for determining taxable income. Iowa was one of the few remaining states that allowed taxpayers to deduct federal taxes to determine their state income taxes.

Analyzing the American Families Plan Tax Proposal

After months of speculation, on September 13th, the House Ways and Means Committee released a proposal for tax reform effective in 2022 (and possibly in 2021 for selected provisions). The proposal contains a number of provisions that were expected, and a few surprises that we did not expect.