Round Two: Stimulus Aid Arrives

The aid package was just one part of a larger funding bill, and it contained many provisions, most notably an additional round of direct payments to Americans. 

The Invisible Tax

One of the things married couples often do not consider in their planning is what I like to call the “Invisible Tax.”

Maximize Your Limits

As many people are receiving their first paycheck of 2020, it is important to review your pay stub in order to maximize income. There are several changes you may want to make as we head into 2020.

Confirming What You Know

Even though I’ve been helping married clients with their money for years, I realized we needed help. Were we thinking about things in the right way? Were we asking the right questions? Were we doing a good job of listening to each other and respecting our differences? 

Life is Full of Taxes

As the calendar races to a close, it’s important to consider the impact of selling securities in a non-qualified (aka brokerage or non-retirement) account. While everyone’s situation is different, it’s important to understand the basics.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness, or Can It

The book Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending by Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton has changed the way I think and feel about spending. It’s based on academic research that identifies ways that spending can increase our joy, something I didn’t think possible before reading this book!

Single Stock- Too Much of a Good Thing

Executives often have a significant portion of their wealth in their company stock. For retiring or retired executives, or those who have more than their holding requirements, we work to determine how much, if any, they should continue to hold and how to tax-efficiently decrease their exposure as needed.