Money and Emotions

The first step to managing emotions in financial decisions is to understand the script or story you are telling yourself about money and where it came from.

Who Run the World? Girls!

Women currently influence nearly half the wealth in the United States and will likely influence 75% of the wealth by the year 2030.

How Could You Use Your Stimulus Check?

You may be wondering what steps you can take to improve your financial life during these unsettling times. I would like to share some thoughts on how to use your stimulus funds and staying invested during anxious times.

The Promise of Small Beginnings

Spring and it's emerging signs of life are great reminders of how many things in our lives start small. But with a little attention year after year, small things can grow to become meaningful and enjoyable contributions to our lives and the lives of others.

8 Changes from SECURE Act 2.0

On December 29th, 2022, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act 2.0 was officially signed into law. The act includes 90+ provisions designed to help savers and people in or near retirement. Here are 8 key changes from the act.