Is Your Portfolio Tailored to Fit Your Needs, or Just ‘Off-The-Rack’?

While the alterations may be small and subtle, they make a big difference when it comes to comfort and fit. Our experience is better. For an investment thought experiment, think of the “off the rack suit” as the broad market; we simply take what we get off the shelf with no alteration. Now think of Foster Group as the tailor and the alterations as portfolio personalizations called factor allocations.

Beyond Traditional Investments

Are alternative investments right for you? Matt Moklestad shares some things to consider when looking into this asset class.

Timing Isn’t Everything

Attempting to buy individual stocks or make tactical asset allocation changes at exactly the “right” time presents investors with substantial challenges.

Markets Move. So Should You.

The primary reason for portfolio rebalancing is to maintain the risk profile of the policy portfolio that the client has chosen. However, periodic rebalancing has the added benefit of ?buying low? and ?selling high?.

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