June 8, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:45 - Last Week's News
3:06 - Last Week's Financial Highlights
4:40 - How Will the US Pay for All This New Debt Spending?
7:54 - What Does GDP Mean for the Stock Market?

July 13, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:25 - News: June 27th to July 10th
3:49 - Recent Market News & 2020 First Half Markets
6:40 - Headline Risks
12:04 - Know the Sources of Headline Risk
13:53 - Resist Investment Action Based on Headline Risk
15:04 - Develop a Checklist for Headline Risk

July 28, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:14 - News: July 13th - July 24th
4:06 - Market News: July 13th - July 24th
5:40 - Are We There Yet?
7:56 - Which Party Is Better?
11:10 - Seeing Only the Negative

May 24, 2021 Financial Perspectives

This week Kent Kramer talks with Daniel Wallick from Vanguard for part two of our interview. This second part focuses on constructing a portfolio, different types of primary goals, and comparing your success to others’.

June 7, 2021 Financial Perspectives

It’s summertime and we have two summer’s worth of movies to look forward to after 2020’s reduced calendar. AMC, a company that runs movie theaters has seen their stock value go way up in the past few weeks. Is this about great movies or something else? This week Kent Kramer talks about two different valuation theories: Firm Foundation Theory and Castle-in-the-air Theory.

Are You Afraid of (Market) Heights?

Investors have been experiencing some fear of heights recently. Many stocks and stock markets are at or near all-time highs. So, here’s the question investors need to ask themselves today, ”Do you think that stock markets 26 years from now will be higher or lower than they are currently, even if today is an all-time high?”

What’s Your Best Buy: Firm Foundation or Castle In the Air?

If an investor could discover the true worth of a company, a piece of real estate or even an idea, where “true worth” equated to the future value or price that others would pay, success would be almost certain to follow. Those opportunities that were priced significantly lower than the future value would be automatic buys. The one’s with higher prices today than the future price would be ones to avoid. If only it were that simple!

August 24, 2021 Financial Perspectives

Is it possible to be too smart? Can a problem or set of circumstances be overanalyzed? Is there such a thing as too much information? There’s some evidence out there that this is indeed possible! Kent Kramer shares our perspective on what’s been happening in and around financial markets recently and what we think successful investors should be thinking about – without overthinking it!

September 27th, 2021 Financial Perspectives

In Part two of our interview with Marlena Lee from Dimensional, Kent Kramer and Marlena dig deeper into changes to asset allocation and ESG investing risks and considerations.

October 11, 2021 Financial Perspectives

Friction can slow can down any machine. What was humming along only minutes or weeks ago, can labor under the strain of too little oil, a little sand in the gears, you name it. The US economy and markets have been seeing an increase in perceived frictions over the past month. Can we get back to smoother operations?