Chart of the Month – July 2022

Sooner or later, we're likely going to see demand cool off. The big question is how quickly inflation alters consumer spending and how quickly that pulls back inflation.

Chart of the Month – July 2023

The latest consumer price index report has brought some positive news regarding inflation in the United States. Several factors played a role in the moderation of inflation.

Chart of the Month – June 2022

There are nearly two job openings for every unemployed worker with labor statistics showing 11.4 million job openings compared to 5.9 unemployed workers as of April 30, 2022. This mismatch between jobs and workers means that workers have options, including leverage to ask for more pay.

Chart of the Month – May 2022

Since the beginning of 2020, checkable deposits have quadrupled, giving consumers the ability to continue spending and withstand increased prices. What does this mean for inflation and prices in the future? 

Dividing Finances in Divorce

If you or someone you know is going through the divorce process, make sure they have the right team in place to guide them throughout with the entire process. As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), I can help walk through the complexities.

Do I Have Portfolio Exposure to China?

In recent weeks, China has been a part of US financial headlines for a number of reasons. At Foster Group, we believe in globally diversified model portfolios. We invest our equity portfolios across domestic markets, international markets, and emerging markets. Our models have equity exposure to over 51 countries.

Do Small Company Stocks Like New Presidents?

In the three months since Joe Biden was elected President of the United States, small company stocks have risen more than 30%. Four years ago, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States and small company stocks went up almost 20% in the twenty-six days surrounding the election, from November 3rd to December 9th. Do small company stock investors just like new Presidents?

Do You Have a Financial Caddy?

A professional golfer would be incomplete without his or her Caddy. The same is true for you and your finances. I believe a good financial plan is incomplete without a Caddy, aka a Financial Advisor, to help you navigate life.