Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results

“Past performance is not indicative of future results.”  Most people think of investing when they hear or read the sentence above, the ultimate statement of caution. What do you think of this statement when it comes to baseball?

Chart of the Month – Nov 2023

How Do Treasuries Lose Money? US Treasury bonds are generally regarded as safe. Sometimes they’re referred to as “risk-free” assets. This is a bit of a misnomer.

War in Israel: Market Meltdown?

Does war in Israel mean a big market meltdown? It’s hard to escape the war news. One way to think about the future is by looking at the past for similar circumstances. 

Time to Revisit Your Cash Reserve Fund

Nearly four out of ten Americans lack enough money to cover an unexpected $400 expense? The statistics on this have remained consistent over the years. One of the first steps in building a strong financial foundation is creating an emergency fund. The idea is to prepare for the unexpected expenses of life. 

Chart of the Month – Oct 2023

Have you ever said to yourself “If I would have just bought that stock, I would be set!” Or “How did I not see this coming? I was watching this stock years ago!” Or maybe “I should have never sold that stock!”

5 Important Ideas for Investors | Financial Perspectives (In a Minute)

There's a lot of uncertainty in the world. Investors are asking, "What should I be doing in my portfolio right now based on what is happening in the world?" This week, Kent Kramer looks at five key investment ideas to help determine if your approach is reflecting the things that are most important.

A “Real” Estate – Part One

As a financial advisor for the past 28 years, I’ve been asked about real estate hundreds of times. Every type of real estate carries pros and cons, risks and rewards.

Chart of the Month – Sept 2023

The current state of the housing market has left many puzzled. In a scenario where interest rates are soaring, one would naturally anticipate a decline in housing prices. Surprisingly, this anticipated correction has yet to occur.

Chart of the Month – Aug 2023

Increasing interest rates have many effects, not only on the economy, but also on stocks. Given the recent rally, we wanted to highlight that rising rates do not always mean that stocks will go down. While the stock market is not making new all-time highs just yet, the market has been resilient to a regime thought to be a drag on the markets.

Fitch Downgrade: A Closer Look | Financial Perspectives

Fitch downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. While this news may raise some eyebrows, it is essential to keep it in perspective. This week, Matt Moklestad and Michael Westphal have a conversation about its implications and the necessity of diversification.

Fitch Downgrade – A Closer Look

Fitch, downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. The Fitch downgrade serves as a reminder of the necessity of diversification, as no investment is entirely risk-free. 

What’s Going On With The US Dollar? | Financial Perspectives

A quick Google search on “US dollar collapse” yields 183 million results. Obviously, there has been plenty to create a stir. This week, Kent Kramer and Michael Westphal have a conversation around what is, or isn't, going on with the US dollar.

Chart of the Month – July 2023

The latest consumer price index report has brought some positive news regarding inflation in the United States. Several factors played a role in the moderation of inflation.