Planning for Future Healthcare Expenses

"What is worth insuring?" The answer almost always boils down to how much you'll have to pay to insure the thing you don't want to lose -- whether it's your mustache, your fantasy football player, your home or your health.

A Family Friend’s Close Call with a Cyber Scam

Tech support scams and phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it crucial to stay vigilant. A recent incident involving a family friend highlights how easily fraudsters can gain remote access to a victim’s computer, install malware, and steal sensitive information. Read more to learn what to do if someone you know is compromised and discover actions to take to help stay secure online.

Cyber Coverage

For years we’ve suggested cyber coverage to all our business clients. What started with businesses moved over to the personal insurance world via home, auto, or umbrella policies. Now almost every policy we write includes some sort of cyber coverage. Let's explore the ins-and-outs of cyber insurance for you personally.