Iowa Income Tax Changes Have an Impact in 2022

One of the significant changes in the tax reform bill signed by Governor Reynolds on March 1, is the eventual elimination of federal tax deductibility for determining taxable income. Iowa was one of the few remaining states that allowed taxpayers to deduct federal taxes to determine their state income taxes.

Donuts, Toast, and Other Life-Changing Decisions

Life is full of choices. We make thousands of them each day, from the very first moment we wake up. Some are small and relatively easy to make, like what to eat for breakfast. Some choices are much larger and take much more effort to consider.

Don’t Mix FOMO with Home Buying

For most Americans, their house is their most significant asset. But it’s also the most personal one. There's a lot of emotion inside those four walls. If you want to buy your first or next home, it’s crucial to have a game plan going into it. Here are a few principles to consider when it comes to buying a home.

Don’t Leave Your Last Round to Chance

I certainly would argue that building a business is more than just a dice game, but both involve risk. How you fill out your scoresheet in Yahtzee is a good example of what business owners might decide to do with their business profits.

Don’t Borrow from Your Future Self

While each person has different long-term goals, a common future desire that exists for most people is retirement. There's a day coming when you won't want to, or can’t, work anymore, and your income will need to be replaced. This is a huge “future self” liability that has to be considered.

Do You Have a Financial Caddy?

A professional golfer would be incomplete without his or her Caddy. The same is true for you and your finances. I believe a good financial plan is incomplete without a Caddy, aka a Financial Advisor, to help you navigate life.