Is Leasing Right for You?

October was the worst month for new car sales at his dealership in over ten years. In fact, only about 10% of car buyers that month were electing to lease new vehicles and typically, leasing is less expensive than buying. What’s going on here?

Hiking Through the Financial Wilderness

I used to laugh at the TV commercial years ago that stated, “Most people spend more time planning their vacation than their retirement.” It’s funny how your perspective can change with time. Now, I gladly note all details of a personal trip, perhaps as a parallel of my work. 

2022’s Financial To-Do List

As we kick off 2022, many of us likely have decided on a few financial New Year’s resolutions. Starting the year off on the right foot is important to accomplish your 2022 financial goals. Here are a few ideas to consider when planning for the year ahead.

When Market Volatility Creates Opportunity

The first half of 2022 has proven to be challenging for investors. Being an investor during volatile markets isn’t easy, but there are a few strategies to consider in order to make the best of a difficult situation.

Prioritize Your Financial Goals

The best way to accomplish your financial goals is by being intentional with the money that comes in. Identify the priorities you have for your money. You could break those priorities into four categories: Due, Extend, Gift, and Spend. 

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