November 23, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:13 - In the News: COVID-19 Cases, Employment Recovery
2:36 – Elections through Inaugurations
3:15 – Equity Factors: Comparison of Various Stock Indexes
5:24 – Expectations: Thinking Back to March 23, 2020

Elections and Your Money Part II: Post-Election

In this Q+A-style webinar, Kent Kramer and Jason Brown addressed: Questions arising from the November 3rd election, what has, hasn’t, and could change as a result of our country’s decision, and how investors should respond to the uncertainty surrounding the election.

October 26, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:42 - In the News: Expansion in the US
2:24 - Recent Market Performance
5:07 - Patience: Why This Election is Different
6:52 - Elections Through Inaugurations: Should You Stay Invested?

October 12, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:15 - In the News: What Employment Can Tell Us About Economic Recovery
2:52 - Stock Market Returns in October
3:43 - Value Stocks vs Growth Stocks Historical Returns
5:19 - Why Do Value Stocks Tend to Outperform Growth Stocks?
9:37 - What Should I be Investing in Now?

Elections and Your Money Q&A

Since we were unable to answer all of the questions asked during the live webinar, we'd like to share some of the questions and answers in written form.

September 21, 2020 Financial Perspectives

0:51 - In the News: Dr. Fauci, Employment, September Markets
4:18 - Which party would be better for markets and the economy?
4:45 - How would taxes change under each administration?
6:48 - 2021: What will have the most impact?