When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your 401(k) Plan?

Do you run a small business that provides a 401(k) plan benefit for your employees? Do you ever wonder if you are following all the right steps to ensure that you are meeting your fiduciary responsibilities as a plan sponsor?

Join Us October 20th for a Special Education Event!

Uncertainty is unavoidable. It's all in how you react to it. In this educational conversation, we'll talk with David Booth and Senator Bill Bradley about adapting and controlling what you can -- hearing personal stories about facing challenges and strategies they've developed to help make better decisions.

Iowa Income Tax Changes Have an Impact in 2022

One of the significant changes in the tax reform bill signed by Governor Reynolds on March 1, is the eventual elimination of federal tax deductibility for determining taxable income. Iowa was one of the few remaining states that allowed taxpayers to deduct federal taxes to determine their state income taxes.

Webinar: 401(k) Plan Fiduciary Considerations

Have you ever wondered what your fiduciary liability is as a 401(k)-plan sponsor? And if you’re taking the right steps to protect yourself? This webinar may be for you if you are asking yourself questions such as: What process should I use to make decisions about our 401(k) plan? Or how should I compare our 401(k) plan services and costs to other options available in the marketplace?

Saving More Is Easy If You Eliminate Obstacles

I listened to a great show on the Hidden Brain podcast a couple months ago: Work 2.0 – The Obstacles You Don’t See. The big takeaway was that often the path to success is not about more motivation but removing obstacles. I think the podcast has had a big impact on my life already. Let me explain.

Keep Your Eyes on the Horizon and Wings Level

We often get asked by clients about different ideas they heard from a friend, a new exclusive deal they got invited into, or, most frequently, a specific company or stock that a friend gave them the scoop on. The reality is that a lot of the “great ideas and deals” never amount to any real return, and many end up going to zero. 

Meta Does Not Equal Value | Financial Perspectives

The headlines last week included “Faceplant”, and “Metaflop” following Meta’s disappointing earnings and new users numbers. As interesting as the metaverse may be, it turns out investors still want real world results when it comes to their investments.

2022’s Financial To-Do List

As we kick off 2022, many of us likely have decided on a few financial New Year’s resolutions. Starting the year off on the right foot is important to accomplish your 2022 financial goals. Here are a few ideas to consider when planning for the year ahead.