The War in Ukraine | Financial Perspectives

There’s likely no more important news in the world right now than what is happening in Ukraine as Russia invades their smaller neighbor. Economic impacts are being felt across the globe and there is certainly a humanitarian crisis developing in Europe. Let’s take a look at the impact the Ukraine/Russia crisis has on the US and global economy.

Our Favorite Book & Podcasts of 2023

“What books would you recommend?” “What podcasts do you listen to?” At Foster Group we often get asked questions like these. Here’s a short list of some recent responses from our team. 

Foster Group’s Updated Response to COVID-19

Nearly a year after it started, COVID-19 continues to drive headlines and heavily impact our lives and work. We want to provide you with an update as to what Foster Group is doing to ensure the safety of our clients and our team.

One Paycheck from Ruin

Having a plan in place, with an emergency fund, is the difference between a small financial inconvenience and a catastrophe that could potentially alter your life.

Single Stock- Too Much of a Good Thing

Executives often have a significant portion of their wealth in their company stock. For retiring or retired executives, or those who have more than their holding requirements, we work to determine how much, if any, they should continue to hold and how to tax-efficiently decrease their exposure as needed.