The Power of Invitation
How can extending a powerful invitation create an opportunity for connection? Let's take a look!
How can extending a powerful invitation create an opportunity for connection? Let's take a look!
How the magic of writing a letter could help convey your intentions to a beneficiary.
We need a different approach to evaluate an investment of the heart, a different kind of “bond” investment. An investment in joy requires a unique type of cost-benefit analysis.
Just as the McCallisters left Kevin behind in their rush to the airport, without a Will, Trust, or Powers of Attorney in place, you risk leaving your loved ones unprotected and unprepared when you don't have an estate plan. Don’t delay—make your estate plan today!
How do we prepare our young people to lead and do it quickly?
Expect uncertainty and embrace the power of teamwork. We counsel clients to focus on the things they can control, like how much they are spending, saving, and investing rather than letting uncertainty shred their peace of mind.
This week, Kent Kramer is joined by Senior Lead Advisor Ashlee Vieregger to discuss year-end financial planning ideas that create meaningful family traditions through charitable giving for every age group. Learn how to engage your entire family in generosity through telling stories and sharing an activity, all with the hidden benefit of building lasting financial skills.
For many family businesses, the lack of clear succession plans is the most significant challenge.
This week, Kent Kramer is joined by Senior Lead Advisor Ashlee Vieregger to discuss year-end financial planning ideas that create meaningful family traditions through charitable giving for every age group. Learn how to engage your entire family in generosity through telling stories and sharing an activity, all with the hidden benefit of building lasting financial skills.
For many family businesses, the lack of clear succession plans is the most significant challenge.
That’s when I realized, constructing a basement wasn’t all that different from constructing a financial plan.
Raising kids costs money. But what if I told you that raising kids also lowers taxes? Here are a few areas of tax relief available to parents.
Our vision at Foster Group is to influence thousands of individuals, families, and organizations with wise financial counsel while encouraging the pursuit of meaningful living and generous giving. One of the ways we like to do this is by expanding our clients’ giving toolbox.
You can’t have spring without spring cleaning. As you tackle your home, yard, and other spaces this year, your financial plan might also need to be spruced up. Here are a few tips to clean up your financial plan this spring.
A professional golfer would be incomplete without his or her Caddy. The same is true for you and your finances. I believe a good financial plan is incomplete without a Caddy, aka a Financial Advisor, to help you navigate life.
You can’t have a championship team without a deep bench at your disposal. Foster Group takes the same approach, while we have a dedicated advisory team for every client we also have advisors with various skill sets that we can pull out of the bullpen and into a meeting at the right time.
“Scrape the bottom of the peanut butter jar,” in order to set yourself, your family, and others up for future happiness.
The dramatic nature and slant that the media add to their stories to get us interested in reading the page. Do a quick self-check to see through the production and into the facts.