Chart of the Month – May 2022

Since the beginning of 2020, checkable deposits have quadrupled, giving consumers the ability to continue spending and withstand increased prices. What does this mean for inflation and prices in the future? 

How Can Investors Benefit from Higher Rates? | Financial Perspectives

With inflation and interest rates rising, are there any silver linings for investors? One DIY US government bond investment you may not have heard about will soon be yielding over 9%. This week, Kent Kramer takes a look at I Bonds, what is happening in markets and the global economy, and what investors may want to know.

Donuts, Toast, and Other Life-Changing Decisions

Life is full of choices. We make thousands of them each day, from the very first moment we wake up. Some are small and relatively easy to make, like what to eat for breakfast. Some choices are much larger and take much more effort to consider.

Q1 Wrap Up: Ukraine, Inflation, Interest Rates | Financial Perspectives

The first quarter of 2022 is in the books and once again, surprising events dominated the news. Russia invading Ukraine and the continued climb in inflation were the focus of attention and for good reason. In this week's Financial Perspectives, we'll take a look at what is happening in markets and the global economy and what investors may want to know.

Are Those Happy Tears?

Tears, bottles, diaper changes, onesies, little fingers, and strange sleep schedules – as many of you know, these are just a few of the things to expect when you bring home your newborn from the hospital. And here’s something else to expect: new tax credits! While I know good parents don’t have kids to lower their tax bill, it’s nice of the US Government to extend a bit of kindness to those taking on the heartache – and joy! – of becoming parents.

Cryptocurrency: Not for the Faint of Heart

Will cryptocurrency replace the $20 bill in your pocket? Will the decentralization/digitization of currency end up solving anything? Will it be of long-term value? Or will it end up being only a place for speculators to try and capitalize on the sentiment of others? Anyone wanting to allocate to cryptocurrency should understand the inherent uncertainty and volatility of this relatively new digital commodity.

Teaching Your Kids to Invest Early in Life

One of the concerns I continually hear from the clients I work with is whether the next generation can handle money well. The only way to know is to give them an opportunity. Helping them invest early and often will teach them discipline, patience, how to manage their emotions and the power of compound interest. All of it is essential learning on the path to financial independence . . . and many other things in life, as well.

June 21, 2021 Financial Perspectives

As investors we are bombarded with continuous news on the stock market and bonds. We think it can be helpful to take a step back and ask the question: are the indexes on the financial media a proper point of reference for you?