Chart of the Month – May 2024

While cash may offer stability and security in the short term, the DFA Returns Web chart from 1926 through February 2024 suggests that the growth potential in stocks offers a higher rewarding investment opportunity in the long run.

The Market: The Original AI | Financial Perspectives

The acronym “AI” has become synonymous with Artificial Intelligence. But what is Aggregate Intelligence -- "AI"? This week, Kent Kramer explains how trusting markets and harnessing their power and prices is a fundamentally sound way to invest.

Value vs Growth – What does that Mean?

Have you heard the words, “value” and “growth,” when it comes to investing? Let’s face it: These words are often misunderstood and poorly utilized. 

Chart of the Month – June 2024

No one can time the market and determine when those best months will occur. The best months are surprisingly random. More important than timing the market is time in the market. 

Whenever Possible, Don’t Do Dumb Things | Financial Perspectives

We believe that investors increase their chances of success by avoiding predictable mistakes -- those practices that sound like they should work but have been shown time and time again to have very low probabilities of success. This week, Kent Kramer examines different studies to help inform our fifth investment principle.

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