June 7, 2021 Financial Perspectives

It’s summertime and we have two summer’s worth of movies to look forward to after 2020’s reduced calendar. AMC, a company that runs movie theaters has seen their stock value go way up in the past few weeks. Is this about great movies or something else? This week Kent Kramer talks about two different valuation theories: Firm Foundation Theory and Castle-in-the-air Theory.

Alphabet Soup

Many industries use acronyms. Financial services are no different: QCD, RMD, DAF, and IRA to name a few. They each have their own rules and guidelines. We enjoy working with clients on a daily basis to help make sense of these terms.

May 24, 2021 Financial Perspectives

This week Kent Kramer talks with Daniel Wallick from Vanguard for part two of our interview. This second part focuses on constructing a portfolio, different types of primary goals, and comparing your success to others’.

May 14, 2020 J. Ann Selzer Event

Watch J. Ann Selzer's data-driven presentation on the political scene over the past year, the trends around the upcoming general election, and other topics.

Five Reasons to Consider a Roth IRA Conversion

The first four months of 2020 have proven to be unpredictable, volatile, and challenging. Despite recent market changes, there continue to be several planning opportunities that we are monitoring for our clients. One of these is Roth IRA conversions. 

May 15, 2020 Financial Perspectives

0:58 - Recap of the News this Week
2:14 - Market Results for the Week
3:01 - What Companies Will Do Best Coming Out of the Crisis?
3:40 - Quality and Growth
7:04 - Growth or Value
9:32 - Growth or Value or Something Else?

Growing in Confidence

I found that I often feel more confident if I do certain things: prepare, practice, pretend, and primp.

Vaccine for Physician Pocketbooks

While many in the healthcare profession are working tirelessly to meet the demands the COVID-19 virus has placed on the system, others have seen their hours cut and sources of income dwindle. Here are some options for those of you whose financial situation has changed dramatically in the past few months.