Is Leasing Right for You?

October was the worst month for new car sales at his dealership in over ten years. In fact, only about 10% of car buyers that month were electing to lease new vehicles and typically, leasing is less expensive than buying. What’s going on here?

Fitch Downgrade: A Closer Look | Financial Perspectives

Fitch downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. While this news may raise some eyebrows, it is essential to keep it in perspective. This week, Matt Moklestad and Michael Westphal have a conversation about its implications and the necessity of diversification.

Fitch Downgrade – A Closer Look

Fitch, downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. The Fitch downgrade serves as a reminder of the necessity of diversification, as no investment is entirely risk-free. 

Financial Mechanic’s Toolbox: DIY or Expert Help?

I’d love to be the person who can tell you why a car squeaks when you drive it and who could fix it.  But as time goes by and I haven’t developed those skills, I’m coming to grips with the fact that it probably just isn’t in my wheelhouse. It’s not that I couldn’t learn, it’s that I’d rather focus on and learn about other things. There comes a point with your personal finances when you need to decide what you’ll do and what you’ll pay someone else to do.

Financial Advice Is Useless – Without Empathy

Financial advice is useless - without empathy. At Foster Group, we want to hear your story. Your goals. Your worries about the future. Only then can we help you feel confident about all aspects of your financial life.

February 22, 2021 Financial Perspectives

Every week it seems there is a new story about which investment, which “trade”, is making amazing money. Each new story brings a sense of urgency, act quickly before it’s too late. You can’t afford to miss out on this one. There are at least 3 important risks investors should pay attention to, some are urgent, some are important, some are both, some are neither.