Confirming What You Know

Even though I’ve been helping married clients with their money for years, I realized we needed help. Were we thinking about things in the right way? Were we asking the right questions? Were we doing a good job of listening to each other and respecting our differences? 

5/29 is for 529’s

May 29th is National 529 plan day. While there are many ways to save for future college expenses, a 529 plan remains one of the best.

How Much Life Insurance Protection Is Enough?

Life insurance is an important component of a financial plan. An early death can create severe hardships for the surviving family if the proper amount of insurance is not in place. The recommended amount of life insurance will vary from family to family depending on a variety of factors.

Why should you have a budget?

The word, budget, can induce fear and anxiety for some people. But I would argue that creating a budget and being disciplined in the process creates more freedom and flexibility than the alternative.

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