Foster Group’s Updated Response to COVID-19

Nearly a year after it started, COVID-19 continues to drive headlines and heavily impact our lives and work. We want to provide you with an update as to what Foster Group is doing to ensure the safety of our clients and our team.

When It’s Time to Call in a Pro

Hiring a pro is never a cut and dried decision but when it’s necessary, I’ve found that I gain time, peace of mind, and often better results than what I could have achieved on my own. While I’m still a DYI’er at heart, I have learned to recognize when it’s time to call in a pro!

Confirming What You Know

Even though I’ve been helping married clients with their money for years, I realized we needed help. Were we thinking about things in the right way? Were we asking the right questions? Were we doing a good job of listening to each other and respecting our differences?