Foster Group’s Updated Response to COVID-19

Nearly a year after it started, COVID-19 continues to drive headlines and heavily impact our lives and work. We want to provide you with an update as to what Foster Group is doing to ensure the safety of our clients and our team.

Chart of the Month – Apr 2022

Housing affordability is trending in the wrong direction. Take a look at our chart of the month showing housing affordability over the last 50 years.

CFP or ChFC, What’s the Difference?

Knowing the educational scope of a specific designation will help you feel comfortable that the financial advisor you are working with has the knowledge and experience to help you pursue your goals.

Cars, Planes, and Market Crashes

Since becoming a pilot about 6 years ago, I’m often asked about plane crashes. If you are an investor, the odds of enduring a market crash are almost 100%. Just as I have to do when flying, at Foster Group, we plan ahead for a market correction by using sound planning and investing.


Kent Kramer and Zach Dalluge answer some important questions about the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. 

Can You Ever Have Enough?

There is always more stuff to do or buy. There are always more “what if’s” for which to account. It’s a rare creature who has found contentment in what they already have, a person who no longer searches for the next thing or feels empty because of what they do not have.