Foster Group’s Updated Response to COVID-19

Nearly a year after it started, COVID-19 continues to drive headlines and heavily impact our lives and work. We want to provide you with an update as to what Foster Group is doing to ensure the safety of our clients and our team.

Foster Group: Truly Cared For

We strive for our clients to feel truly cared for, but what does that really mean? Hear from the team at Foster Group on what "truly cared for" means to them.


Kent Kramer and Zach Dalluge answer some important questions about the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. 

Can You Ever Have Enough?

There is always more stuff to do or buy. There are always more “what if’s” for which to account. It’s a rare creature who has found contentment in what they already have, a person who no longer searches for the next thing or feels empty because of what they do not have.

Breaking Down the Banking Headlines: Part Two | Financial Perspectives

With the banking industry and markets continuing to be leading topics in the news, many investors are asking, “What is going on? Is this something to be worried about? Should I be taking action?” In this special edition of Financial Perspectives, Matt Abels and Jim Plagge, President & CEO of Bank Iowa, provide context and insights to those questions.

Breaking Down the Banking Headlines: Part One | Financial Perspectives

With the banking industry and markets continuing to be leading topics in the news, many investors are asking, “What is going on? Is this something to be worried about? Should I be taking action?” In this special edition of Financial Perspectives, Matt Abels and Michael Westphal provide context and insights to those questions. Tune in next week for part two, where we’ll be joined by Jim Plagge, President and CEO of Bank Iowa.