It’s College Planning Time. Are Your Finances Ready?
As you start checking these items off the list, the biggest things you have running through your head are dollar signs – lots and lots of dollar signs.
What a Difference a Year Makes
On March 23, 2020, the S&P 500 tumbled another 3%, culminating a near 34% drop over that same month. The Dow Jones hovered around 19,000. Gains from the past few years were gone.
American Rescue Plan: Aid Begins Hitting Accounts
Most notably, the bill included another round of direct payments to Americans, many of whom have already received the $1,400 (individually), plus per spouse and dependent/s.
March 22, 2021 Financial Perspectives
Foster Group Recognized as a 2021 Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award Winner
Gallup recognized Foster Group as a 2021 Exceptional Workplace Award winner. This marks the fourth consecutive year the team at Foster Group has received this award.
YOLO, Meme, and EMH: What’s Your Investment Style?
Guest Blogger, Marlena Lee, PhD. While it’s not the intended victim of the YOLO traders, will the efficient market hypothesis be a casualty of these events? The answer depends a lot on your definition of efficient markets.
It’s Worth the Trip!
We had completed our hike successfully, and the challenges made it more memorable and satisfying. The same is true for all of us as investors.
Are You Investing or Playing a Completely Different Game?
Investing in the market is not about getting rich quick. It’s not led by FOMO, the fear of missing out. Ideally, it’s not driven by fear or greed at all. It’s patient, thoughtful, intentional and guided by a long-term vision of success.