The Joy of Generosity

In my experience, the joy of generosity is not dependent on monetary value or other objective measures of size or significance. Generosity done well always has the potential to bring joy to both givers and receivers. 

Webinar: Straight Up Money Talk

Starting a conversation about money with your children or grandchildren can be difficult, but Foster Group can help. Learn why it’s important to be a positive and proactive role model, how your childhood experiences with money can influence your behaviors and thoughts, and financial lessons you can share with kids of all ages to help position them for success.

What I Learned On The Road To The House on the Lake

In my life, I’ve always been a goal setter. You may be a goal setter, too. If you’re like me, you set goals on an annual basis. It may be hard to get going, but being purposeful about taking those first steps will produce results and help propel you from one success to the next. So where do you start?

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