2022 In Review: What Did We Learn? | Financial Perspectives
2022 was one of those years many would like to forget – but before we put it completely in the rear-view mirror, what are the lessons that we can take forward to help us in 2023?
2022 was one of those years many would like to forget – but before we put it completely in the rear-view mirror, what are the lessons that we can take forward to help us in 2023?
It's natural to sit down at the end of the year and reflect on what happened. Here is a short recap of what happened in the markets and the world in 2022.
It's that time of year – what's left on your list for 2022? This week, Kent Kramer discusses three possible ways to save on taxes, one possible way to increase the return on your cash, and one cautionary tale as a reminder as we think about investing in 2023.
With the Fed having aggressively raised their target rate all year long and bond markets, as well as stock markets, having tough years, are rising rates a blessing or a curse?
With the Fed having aggressively raised their target rate all year long and bond markets, as well as stock markets, having tough years, are rising rates a blessing or a curse?
The housing market has been hot since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prices have soared and the interest rate to borrow money for those homes has been at historically low levels. But what is happening now?
The housing market has been hot since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prices have soared and the interest rate to borrow money for those homes has been at historically low levels. But what is happening now?
Housing affordability is trending in the wrong direction. Take a look at our chart of the month showing housing affordability over the last 50 years.