SignatureWealth Brochure
Foster Group SignatureWealth - a dedicated financial advisor and service team to manage all aspects of your financial life.
When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your 401(k) Plan?
Do you run a small business that provides a 401(k) plan benefit for your employees? Do you ever wonder if you are following all the right steps to ensure that you are meeting your fiduciary responsibilities as a plan sponsor?
Join Us October 20th for a Special Education Event!
Uncertainty is unavoidable. It's all in how you react to it. In this educational conversation, we'll talk with David Booth and Senator Bill Bradley about adapting and controlling what you can -- hearing personal stories about facing challenges and strategies they've developed to help make better decisions.
Are Rising Rates a Blessing or a Curse? | Financial Perspectives
With the Fed having aggressively raised their target rate all year long and bond markets, as well as stock markets, having tough years, are rising rates a blessing or a curse?
Are Rising Rates a Blessing or a Curse? | Financial Perspectives (In a Minute)
With the Fed having aggressively raised their target rate all year long and bond markets, as well as stock markets, having tough years, are rising rates a blessing or a curse?
Webinar: 401(k) Plan Fiduciary Considerations
Have you ever wondered what your fiduciary liability is as a 401(k)-plan sponsor? And if you’re taking the right steps to protect yourself? This webinar may be for you if you are asking yourself questions such as: What process should I use to make decisions about our 401(k) plan? Or how should I compare our 401(k) plan services and costs to other options available in the marketplace?
Doing the Extraordinary | Financial Perspectives (In a Minute)
Sometimes we look at the extraordinary things that people are doing with their money and we wonder, "How?" This week, Jason Brown shares a simple framework that might help answer that question.
Doing the Extraordinary | Financial Perspectives
Sometimes we look at the extraordinary things that people are doing with their money and we wonder, "How?" This week, Jason Brown shares a simple framework that might help answer that question.
If You Had a Dollar for Every Financial Advisor that Just Wanted Your Money
Financial Advice Is Useless – Without Empathy
The Influence of Trust
A good relationship with our clients comes down to a handful of things. One of those things is whether a client trusts that we know more than they do about the type of investing we do at Foster Group.
Foster Group Named to CNBC FA 100 List
Foster Group has been recognized in the 2021 CNBC FA 100 list, which ranks the top-rated financial advisory firms in 2021.
What the Air Force Taught Me About Being a Financial Advisor
Before I joined Foster Group, I served 24 years as a Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) Specialist in the United States Air Force. It might seem like quite the career transition from Airman to Financial Planner. However, the two paths have more in common than one might expect.
Google Maps Reminded Me I’m Not a Robot
At Foster Group, we believe technology is an incredible asset when it comes to planning and portfolio construction. We also believe that human beings are not robots and determining what to do with your money requires more than an advanced algorithm – as great and helpful as these are.
Earth-Bound Aces Strive for More Than Financial Flyover
Recently, I attended the Kansas City Air Show and witnessed the precision acrobatics of the Navy’s Blue Angels, a team of six intensely trained pilots performing incredible high-flying stunts. Foster Group financial advisors are not known for performing at 10,000 feet, but we are catalysts for positive life change and, unlike static aircraft displays at a two-day event, we will continue our work tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.
I Lead a Team of Financial Advisors, Here are 5 Reasons Not to Hire One
I love the place I work, I love the people I work with, and I think the work we do is almost always worth the money people pay us. Despite the fact I value all these things, I’ve come to realize there are some good reasons not to work with us.
I Want to Be Like Them
Stories like this spread and inspire others to be generous.
Stock Markets Are Like Kids
As I was driving into work, I realized that toddlers are a lot like the stock market.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
We live in a world where many people disagree on almost everything. It is easy to get caught up in our own heads, our own fears, or our own biases.
True Wealth Often Appears in the Most Unexpected Places
What is true wealth? That’s a question we ask our clients at Foster Group. It’s a question we ask ourselves. I’d like to share a story that reminded me of what this means to me.