How to Spot Political Bias

Being an advisor has helped me better appreciate differing political opinions. I have clients across the political spectrum. This gives me a chance to listen to and care for all my clients, no matter what side or opinion they take.

October 12, 2020 Financial Perspectives

1:15 - In the News: What Employment Can Tell Us About Economic Recovery
2:52 - Stock Market Returns in October
3:43 - Value Stocks vs Growth Stocks Historical Returns
5:19 - Why Do Value Stocks Tend to Outperform Growth Stocks?
9:37 - What Should I be Investing in Now?

My Top 5 Podcasts for Learners

One of the great learning opportunities available to almost anyone in today�s world of smartphones and information technology is the proliferation of podcasts.

One Paycheck from Ruin

Having a plan in place, with an emergency fund, is the difference between a small financial inconvenience and a catastrophe that could potentially alter your life.