How to Make Sense of Goals You Set
An important part of building out a financial plan is determining goals. Goals help us look at a financial plan with the “end” in mind.
An important part of building out a financial plan is determining goals. Goals help us look at a financial plan with the “end” in mind.
Being an advisor has helped me better appreciate differing political opinions. I have clients across the political spectrum. This gives me a chance to listen to and care for all my clients, no matter what side or opinion they take.
How do you ensure that you are making a good recommendation for your client, especially when you are putting your reputation on the line?
1:15 - In the News: What Employment Can Tell Us About Economic Recovery
2:52 - Stock Market Returns in October
3:43 - Value Stocks vs Growth Stocks Historical Returns
5:19 - Why Do Value Stocks Tend to Outperform Growth Stocks?
9:37 - What Should I be Investing in Now?
If the prospect of sending your child on their entry into adulthood isn’t hard enough, there is all the paperwork to decipher… the ACT/SAT, college applications, scholarship applications, and of course, the dreaded FAFSA!
Aside from COVID-19, what represents the biggest risk for investors in the second half of what is turning out to be a historic 2020?
If the financial goals conversation seems intimidating to you, know that you are not alone!
Since we were unable to answer all of the questions asked during the live webinar, we'd like to share some of the questions and answers in written form.
Yet, all too often, there is a second group of retirees for whom retirement is filled with uncertainty. Let’s say that at age 58, suddenly you are forced to retire. This could be a full five to seven years before you planned. What do you do now?
How can answering two key questions potentially change your perspective on retirement?