Foster Group Receives Recognition as a 2020 Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award Winner
2020 Vectors & Viewpoints Q1
Doctors Overlook These Five Contract Areas at Their Own Peril
Five key areas doctors need to carefully evaluate in their contract. Overlooking “The Big Five” can have major financial and professional consequences.
Financial Mechanic’s Toolbox: DIY or Expert Help?
I’d love to be the person who can tell you why a car squeaks when you drive it and who could fix it. But as time goes by and I haven’t developed those skills, I’m coming to grips with the fact that it probably just isn’t in my wheelhouse. It’s not that I couldn’t learn, it’s that I’d rather focus on and learn about other things. There comes a point with your personal finances when you need to decide what you’ll do and what you’ll pay someone else to do.
Three Tips to Help Set Yourself up for Retirement
Retirement. It’s something everyone thinks about at some point in their lives. When I see or hear about the people who have retired most effectively, three themes stick out to me. Let’s dive into them.
The Goslings at Foster Group Have Got Me Thinking
Changing with My Aging
Why I Hate New Year’s Resolutions
Stock Markets Are Like Kids
As I was driving into work, I realized that toddlers are a lot like the stock market.
I Want to Be Like Them
Stories like this spread and inspire others to be generous.
It’s Worth the Trip!
We had completed our hike successfully, and the challenges made it more memorable and satisfying. The same is true for all of us as investors.
Webinar: Creating Your Paycheck in Retirement
Joe Bantz and Jason Brown discuss strategies for tapping into your portfolio during retirement.
An Investment Portfolio Is Like a Good Smoothie
Recently, I rediscovered the benefits of homemade smoothies for breakfast. They are nutritious, natural, easy to make, efficient, and delicious! This morning, I was thinking about how a good investment portfolio is like a good smoothie!
Market Madness
There is just something about the NCAA Men’s and Women’s College Basketball Tournament. There is tremendous excitement in many families and workplaces as tournament brackets are filled in with predictions about the outcomes of 67 games over a three-week period.