Can You Ever Have Enough?

There is always more stuff to do or buy. There are always more “what if’s” for which to account. It’s a rare creature who has found contentment in what they already have, a person who no longer searches for the next thing or feels empty because of what they do not have.

Cars, Planes, and Market Crashes

Since becoming a pilot about 6 years ago, I’m often asked about plane crashes. If you are an investor, the odds of enduring a market crash are almost 100%. Just as I have to do when flying, at Foster Group, we plan ahead for a market correction by using sound planning and investing.

Cheers to Johnny D!

Looking back on the six or so years I knew Johnny D, two big themes emerge from his life that are worth us carrying forward.

College Planning: Don’t Wait to File Your FAFSA

If the prospect of sending your child on their entry into adulthood isn’t hard enough, there is all the paperwork to decipher… the ACT/SAT, college applications, scholarship applications, and of course, the dreaded FAFSA!

Confirming What You Know

Even though I’ve been helping married clients with their money for years, I realized we needed help. Were we thinking about things in the right way? Were we asking the right questions? Were we doing a good job of listening to each other and respecting our differences? 

Dividing Finances in Divorce

If you or someone you know is going through the divorce process, make sure they have the right team in place to guide them throughout with the entire process. As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), I can help walk through the complexities.

Do You Have a Financial Caddy?

A professional golfer would be incomplete without his or her Caddy. The same is true for you and your finances. I believe a good financial plan is incomplete without a Caddy, aka a Financial Advisor, to help you navigate life. 

Don’t Borrow from Your Future Self

While each person has different long-term goals, a common future desire that exists for most people is retirement. There's a day coming when you won't want to, or can’t, work anymore, and your income will need to be replaced. This is a huge “future self” liability that has to be considered.

Don’t Leave Your Last Round to Chance

I certainly would argue that building a business is more than just a dice game, but both involve risk. How you fill out your scoresheet in Yahtzee is a good example of what business owners might decide to do with their business profits.