Financial Mechanic’s Toolbox: DIY or Expert Help?

I’d love to be the person who can tell you why a car squeaks when you drive it and who could fix it.  But as time goes by and I haven’t developed those skills, I’m coming to grips with the fact that it probably just isn’t in my wheelhouse. It’s not that I couldn’t learn, it’s that I’d rather focus on and learn about other things. There comes a point with your personal finances when you need to decide what you’ll do and what you’ll pay someone else to do.

Five Myths Your Landlord Wants You To Believe

It can be difficult to discern fact from fiction when dealing with landlords. A misunderstanding of these key issues can have serious consequences for your practice. The following information should help dispel some common myths and prevent costly mistakes in your next lease negotiation.

Hiking Through the Financial Wilderness

I used to laugh at the TV commercial years ago that stated, “Most people spend more time planning their vacation than their retirement.” It’s funny how your perspective can change with time. Now, I gladly note all details of a personal trip, perhaps as a parallel of my work. 

How Could You Use Your Stimulus Check?

You may be wondering what steps you can take to improve your financial life during these unsettling times. I would like to share some thoughts on how to use your stimulus funds and staying invested during anxious times.

How Much Life Insurance Protection Is Enough?

Life insurance is an important component of a financial plan. An early death can create severe hardships for the surviving family if the proper amount of insurance is not in place. The recommended amount of life insurance will vary from family to family depending on a variety of factors.