Webinar: Uncertainty in Ukraine (and Beyond)

How do we deal with uncertainty in a globally connected world? Uncertainty is nothing new. It's an ongoing factor in global markets that can be embraced and often managed in investment portfolios. In this webinar, we will cover: potential impacts of Russia and Ukraine on your portfolio, the ripple effects of the war on inflation, interest rates, oil, and continuing market volatility, thoughts on what you could consider doing now, and updates regarding ongoing developments.

Webinar: ThanksGIVING

Available on demand now, our ThanksGIVING webinar on charitable giving tactics. In this 30 minute webinar, we cover tips on giving, regardless of the amount, satisfying a required minimum distribution, and some of the top questions from our audience.

Vaccine for Physician Pocketbooks

While many in the healthcare profession are working tirelessly to meet the demands the COVID-19 virus has placed on the system, others have seen their hours cut and sources of income dwindle. Here are some options for those of you whose financial situation has changed dramatically in the past few months.

Understanding Mortgage Rates: A Conversation with Todd Smith of Bank Iowa | Financial Perspectives

This week, Matt Moklestad has a conversation with Todd Smith, the Mortgage Director at Bank Iowa, as he breaks down the complexities of mortgage rates. With nearly 30 years of experience in the banking and mortgage industry, Todd shares insights on how mortgage rates are determined, the factors that influence them, and tips for securing the best rates.

Two Ideas for Year-End Tax Savings | Financial Perspectives

In this special edition of Financial Perspectives, Kent Kramer is joined by Foster Group advisors Marcus Iwig and Caleb Brown as they share essential year-end tax planning tips. Discover how to make tax-efficient charitable donations from your IRA, maximize deductions by combining multiple years of giving, and convert pre-tax retirement accounts to Roth IRAs.