Generous Giving is Meaningful Living!
My Money Story
Have you ever considered how your thinking about money was formed? Recently, I took a stroll down memory lane to discover my own “money story,” how I came to think about money.
The Four Uses of Money
Did you know that there are just four uses of money? They are Owe, Grow, Give, and Live.
I Want to Be Like Them
Stories like this spread and inspire others to be generous.
Tax Planning Strategies For 2019: How Can You Act Now?
Money Can’t Buy Happiness, or Can It
What Does It Mean to Be an Investor? – Part Two
As you peek into the future – hopefully one with greater discretionary time and money – do you envision yourself increasing or decreasing your investment in the well-being of the people close to you and the world in general? Do you see yourself sticking close to the mess of the world or investing in ways that escape it?
Generous Giving is Meaningful Living!
My Money Story
Have you ever considered how your thinking about money was formed? Recently, I took a stroll down memory lane to discover my own “money story,” how I came to think about money.
The Four Uses of Money
Did you know that there are just four uses of money? They are Owe, Grow, Give, and Live.
I Want to Be Like Them
Stories like this spread and inspire others to be generous.
Tax Planning Strategies For 2019: How Can You Act Now?
Money Can’t Buy Happiness, or Can It
What Does It Mean to Be an Investor? – Part Two
As you peek into the future – hopefully one with greater discretionary time and money – do you envision yourself increasing or decreasing your investment in the well-being of the people close to you and the world in general? Do you see yourself sticking close to the mess of the world or investing in ways that escape it?
Gifting with a Purpose: Practical Strategies to Positively Impact Your Next Generation
Because saving money early and often can be difficult, consider how you might help those closest to you to do more of it. Here are some scenarios and ideas.
Webinar: ThanksGIVING
Passing on the Spirit of Generosity in a Tax Smart Manner
If you are giving to charities now or plan to in the future, you may possess the “Spirit of Generosity.” How do you pass that “Spirit of Generosity” on to your children and/or grandchildren?