Balance Sheet Liquidity: What Is It? How Do I Approach It?
I am extremely fortunate to work with many different types of clients. Some of my favorite clients are the owners of privately owned businesses. There are always opportunities to have conversations that go well beyond managing investments.
Single Stock- Too Much of a Good Thing
You Bring Your Vision; We’ll Draw the Map
At Foster Group, we work to capture the visions of our clients and their families, and then we create a roadmap to help them pursue those visions
Don’t Leave Your Last Round to Chance
I certainly would argue that building a business is more than just a dice game, but both involve risk. How you fill out your scoresheet in Yahtzee is a good example of what business owners might decide to do with their business profits.
Have You Considered a Cash-Balance Plan?
Many business owners are looking for more tax-friendly ways to save for retirement. A cash balance plan could be the answer.
Are You Really Ready to Exit Your Business?
It’s one thing to turn in the office keys and ride off into the sunset as a former W-2 employee, but what about those who started and built businesses?
Selling a Business Is Just as Tough as Owning One
Owning and operating a business is a tough task. Selling a business is equally difficult. If you’re a business owner, the odds are that you haven’t put together a plan to do this. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Clarifying the CARES Act for Businesses
Balance Sheet Liquidity: What Is It? How Do I Approach It?
I am extremely fortunate to work with many different types of clients. Some of my favorite clients are the owners of privately owned businesses. There are always opportunities to have conversations that go well beyond managing investments.
Single Stock- Too Much of a Good Thing
You Bring Your Vision; We’ll Draw the Map
At Foster Group, we work to capture the visions of our clients and their families, and then we create a roadmap to help them pursue those visions
Don’t Leave Your Last Round to Chance
I certainly would argue that building a business is more than just a dice game, but both involve risk. How you fill out your scoresheet in Yahtzee is a good example of what business owners might decide to do with their business profits.
Have You Considered a Cash-Balance Plan?
Many business owners are looking for more tax-friendly ways to save for retirement. A cash balance plan could be the answer.
Are You Really Ready to Exit Your Business?
It’s one thing to turn in the office keys and ride off into the sunset as a former W-2 employee, but what about those who started and built businesses?
Selling a Business Is Just as Tough as Owning One
Owning and operating a business is a tough task. Selling a business is equally difficult. If you’re a business owner, the odds are that you haven’t put together a plan to do this. It doesn’t have to be this way.
How to Plan a Business Exit
Do I keep or do I sell? Business owners planning an exit should examine this question every 90 days. Here are five stages to building value in a business.
Preparing the Next Generation: Three Keys to a Long-Term Mindset
How do we prepare our young people to lead and do it quickly?
Business Owners, Beware of the “Missing Middle”
For many family businesses, the lack of clear succession plans is the most significant challenge.