5 Important Ideas for Investors | Financial Perspectives (In a Minute)
There's a lot of uncertainty in the world. Investors are asking, "What should I be doing in my portfolio right now based on what is happening in the world?" This week, Kent Kramer looks at five key investment ideas to help determine if your approach is reflecting the things that are most important.
Basketball, Movies, and the Transformed Investor | Financial Perspectives
In this week's edition of Financial Perspectives, Kent Kramer covers everything from basketball and movies to Nobel Prize winners and a unique investment journey with Dave Butler, Co-CEO of Dimensional Fund Advisors.
Watch "Tune Out the Noise": https://film.dimensional.com
A Conversation with Award-Winning Portfolio Manager Mary Ellen Stanek | Financial Perspectives
In this week's special edition of Financial Perspectives, Kent Kramer has a conversation with 2022 Morningstar Outstanding Portfolio Manager award winner, Mary Ellen Stanek, who is managing director and co-chief investment officer of Baird. In this conversation, Kent and Mary Ellen cover everything from market history and trends to surprising interviews.
Is Investing a Science Project? | Financial Perspectives
A wise investor will advance with science to increase the probability of good investment outcomes. This week, Kent Kramer shares examples of how advances in finance and economics have impacted investor experience.
Are You Getting the Top 4% of the Market? | Financial Perspectives
How many stocks does it take to really move your portfolio? It's a surprisingly small number. This week, Kent Kramer is joined by Foster Group's Director of Investments, Michael Westphal, to help answer this question.
Understanding ETFs and Factor Investing with Blackrock’s Bob Hum | Financial Perspectives
This week, Kent Kramer sits down with BlackRock’s Bob Hum to explore the intricacies of ETFs and factor investing. Gain valuable insights and practical tips on how these strategies may enhance your investment portfolio and help you navigate today’s market complexities.
The Intersection of Finance & Life Well-Being with Professor Meir Statman | Financial Perspectives
This week, join Kent Kramer for an insightful conversation with best-selling author, Professor Meir Statman, a leading expert in behavioral finance. Discover how financial security, optimism, and resilience contribute to overall life well-being. Professor Statman shares his inspiring personal journey and offers practical advice on balancing financial wealth with life’s other important aspects, such as family, health, and meaningful relationships.
5 Important Ideas for Investors | Financial Perspectives (In a Minute)
There's a lot of uncertainty in the world. Investors are asking, "What should I be doing in my portfolio right now based on what is happening in the world?" This week, Kent Kramer looks at five key investment ideas to help determine if your approach is reflecting the things that are most important.
Basketball, Movies, and the Transformed Investor | Financial Perspectives
In this week's edition of Financial Perspectives, Kent Kramer covers everything from basketball and movies to Nobel Prize winners and a unique investment journey with Dave Butler, Co-CEO of Dimensional Fund Advisors.
Watch "Tune Out the Noise": https://film.dimensional.com
A Conversation with Award-Winning Portfolio Manager Mary Ellen Stanek | Financial Perspectives
In this week's special edition of Financial Perspectives, Kent Kramer has a conversation with 2022 Morningstar Outstanding Portfolio Manager award winner, Mary Ellen Stanek, who is managing director and co-chief investment officer of Baird. In this conversation, Kent and Mary Ellen cover everything from market history and trends to surprising interviews.
Is Investing a Science Project? | Financial Perspectives
A wise investor will advance with science to increase the probability of good investment outcomes. This week, Kent Kramer shares examples of how advances in finance and economics have impacted investor experience.
Are You Getting the Top 4% of the Market? | Financial Perspectives
How many stocks does it take to really move your portfolio? It's a surprisingly small number. This week, Kent Kramer is joined by Foster Group's Director of Investments, Michael Westphal, to help answer this question.
Understanding ETFs and Factor Investing with Blackrock’s Bob Hum | Financial Perspectives
This week, Kent Kramer sits down with BlackRock’s Bob Hum to explore the intricacies of ETFs and factor investing. Gain valuable insights and practical tips on how these strategies may enhance your investment portfolio and help you navigate today’s market complexities.
The Intersection of Finance & Life Well-Being with Professor Meir Statman | Financial Perspectives
This week, join Kent Kramer for an insightful conversation with best-selling author, Professor Meir Statman, a leading expert in behavioral finance. Discover how financial security, optimism, and resilience contribute to overall life well-being. Professor Statman shares his inspiring personal journey and offers practical advice on balancing financial wealth with life’s other important aspects, such as family, health, and meaningful relationships.