The IRS Punted on 2023

The IRS is allowing some people to skip their Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from inherited IRAs. If you inherited an IRA in 2020 or later, you may not need to make a distribution this year. Read for some background.

The Three To-Do’s in the Fourth Quarter

The beginning of the fourth quarter is a great time to check-in on your finances and make sure you consider planning opportunities before the end of the calendar year. Read this blog to see my top three priorities when it comes to fourth quarter planning.

A “Real” Estate – Part One

As a financial advisor for the past 28 years, I’ve been asked about real estate hundreds of times. Every type of real estate carries pros and cons, risks and rewards.

Navigating Financial Health in Retirement

Planning for retirement is the journey of a lifetime – a marathon, not a sprint. But what happens after you cross the finish line? Read on for more on the art and science of navigating life after the working world. 

Chart of the Month – July 2023

The latest consumer price index report has brought some positive news regarding inflation in the United States. Several factors played a role in the moderation of inflation.

Do You Have a Financial Caddy?

A professional golfer would be incomplete without his or her Caddy. The same is true for you and your finances. I believe a good financial plan is incomplete without a Caddy, aka a Financial Advisor, to help you navigate life.