Webinar: Straight Up Money Talk

Starting a conversation about money with your children or grandchildren can be difficult, but Foster Group can help. Learn why it’s important to be a positive and proactive role model, how your childhood experiences with money can influence your behaviors and thoughts, and financial lessons you can share with kids of all ages to help position them for success.

Webinar: Empowering Women With Their Money

Research shows women receive less investment information than men. Let's fix that! In this webinar, you'll learn what to look for in an advisor, determine the right time to engage one, and how to take advantage of all your resources for peace of mind.

Transform Your Holidays: Giving Stories & Family Activities | Financial Perspectives

This week, Kent Kramer is joined by Senior Lead Advisor Ashlee Vieregger to discuss year-end financial planning ideas that create meaningful family traditions through charitable giving for every age group. Learn how to engage your entire family in generosity through telling stories and sharing an activity, all with the hidden benefit of building lasting financial skills.

Time to Revisit Your Cash Reserve Fund

Nearly four out of ten Americans lack enough money to cover an unexpected $400 expense? The statistics on this have remained consistent over the years. One of the first steps in building a strong financial foundation is creating an emergency fund. The idea is to prepare for the unexpected expenses of life.