Life is Full of Taxes

As the calendar races to a close, it’s important to consider the impact of selling securities in a non-qualified (aka brokerage or non-retirement) account. While everyone’s situation is different, it’s important to understand the basics.

Asking the Right Question

As a paramedic, my dad built a career out of caring for people, and in virtually every instance, did so by starting with one simple question: "What hurts?" For over 30 years now at Foster Group, we've been asking the same question. 

Sequence of Return Risk

The first few years of market return during your retirement, could have a large impact on your portfolio and lifestyle. Ross Polking dives into the Sequence of Return Risk and why you should be aware of it.

What Tax Documents Do Investors Need to File?

I start getting anxious this time of year when I am forced to collect all the necessary information for my tax advisor. In preparation for the upcoming tax deadline, Monday, April 18, 2022, I wanted to summarize what to expect in the way of relevant tax information related to your investments.

Don’t Borrow from Your Future Self

While each person has different long-term goals, a common future desire that exists for most people is retirement. There's a day coming when you won't want to, or can’t, work anymore, and your income will need to be replaced. This is a huge “future self” liability that has to be considered.

Advisor Spotlight: Ryne Oller | Financial Perspectives

This week, Jason Brown is joined by Lead Advisor, Ryne Oller. Hear Ryne share what he likes most about his job, how his perspective has changed over the years, what he feels clients value the most about working with Foster Group, good and bad money decisions, and what he's hopeful for in the future.