How Elections Affect the Market

A bit of history helps bring some perspective to trying to read too much into the influence of elections on stock markets. 

How Much Should Associations Hold in Reserve Assets?

A common question among nonprofit associations is how much they should hold in reserve assets. There is a “rule of thumb” that associations should hold six months of operating expenses in reserve. Is this common rule of thumb common practice?

I Bonds Pay Almost 10%, What’s the Catch?

Investors are always on the lookout, it seems, for new and profitable ways to help make their dollars work for them. One that has come up quite often on our clients’ radars recently is Series I Bonds (or just I Bonds).

Nervous About the Market? Maybe You Need a Lifeboat.

Market volatility tends to unnerve even the calmest of investors. How do we know what to hold and how much to hold at any particular time? That’s a crucial question, but the answer does not need to be complicated.

Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results

“Past performance is not indicative of future results.”  Most people think of investing when they hear or read the sentence above, the ultimate statement of caution. What do you think of this statement when it comes to baseball?

Positives About the Market

2022 was a historically painful year as an investor with stock markets experiencing a bear market, and bond markets having one of their worst years ever. However, as we enter 2023, I’d like to consider the positives.

Recession “Reaction”

Plenty of arguments exist as to why we will be and/or already are in a recession. However, there is good news out there that isn’t readily reported.