Dividing Finances in Divorce

If you or someone you know is going through the divorce process, make sure they have the right team in place to guide them throughout with the entire process. As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), I can help walk through the complexities.

Donuts, Toast, and Other Life-Changing Decisions

Life is full of choices. We make thousands of them each day, from the very first moment we wake up. Some are small and relatively easy to make, like what to eat for breakfast. Some choices are much larger and take much more effort to consider.

Can You Ever Have Enough?

There is always more stuff to do or buy. There are always more “what if’s” for which to account. It’s a rare creature who has found contentment in what they already have, a person who no longer searches for the next thing or feels empty because of what they do not have.

Spring Clean Your Financial Plan

You can’t have spring without spring cleaning. As you tackle your home, yard, and other spaces this year, your financial plan might also need to be spruced up. Here are a few tips to clean up your financial plan this spring.

A Missed Vikings Game and My Emotional Spending

My husband and I bought tickets to see the Vikings play their final game of the regular season. We wanted to do something fun during the dark and cold days of January, and we wanted to do it together, without the kids. But...

The Secret to Increasing Your Fitness Level and Net Worth

Are you really saving as much as you could without someone pushing you? Are you really investing in the most appropriate manner without someone advising you? Are you really on track toward financial independence at the earliest age possible without someone mapping out the path?

When Lightning Strikes

Is your financial plan ready to weather a storm? Will you be caught off guard, as we were just weeks ago, or are you prepared? One of the advantages of working with a Financial Advisor is that he or she will build a plan that takes into account the inevitability of future storms. 

The Influence of Trust

A good relationship with our clients comes down to a handful of things. One of those things is whether a client trusts that we know more than they do about the type of investing we do at Foster Group.

Five Myths Your Landlord Wants You To Believe

It can be difficult to discern fact from fiction when dealing with landlords. A misunderstanding of these key issues can have serious consequences for your practice. The following information should help dispel some common myths and prevent costly mistakes in your next lease negotiation.

Analyzing the American Families Plan Tax Proposal

After months of speculation, on September 13th, the House Ways and Means Committee released a proposal for tax reform effective in 2022 (and possibly in 2021 for selected provisions). The proposal contains a number of provisions that were expected, and a few surprises that we did not expect. 

What’s In Your (Charitable) Toolbox?

Our vision at Foster Group is to influence thousands of individuals, families, and organizations with wise financial counsel while encouraging the pursuit of meaningful living and generous giving. One of the ways we like to do this is by expanding our clients’ giving toolbox.

What Really is the Annual Enrollment Period?

Hopefully, you have read my first two blogs that talked about Medicare Supplement and Drug plans and the difference with Medicare Advantage plan designs. The last of this series will talk about the Annual Enrollment Period and what can really happen here.

Planning and Puppies 101

I bought a puppy back in April, and it has been one of the most challenging things of my adult life. Training a new puppy is hard work and takes a lot of intentionality and thought. The same can be said about building a financial plan. I have a few tips that might help others avoid my mistakes.

You Will Have Forgotten Monday, July 19

By the time you read this, you will have most likely forgotten today. My guess is that you won’t remember what went on this day. You might remember a feeling or thought you had when you heard what was happening in the stock market. But then, you sent an email, mowed your lawn, took your dog on a walk and ate something healthy, like broccoli, for dinner.

Medicare Advantage Plans: What is Joe Namath Really Talking About?

In 2006, the Federal government created an alternate design in the Medicare market to complement supplement plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans. They’re called Medicare Advantage plans. Although the start was a bit rocky, carriers have learned and grown with their plan designs. Here are some of the most talked about design concepts of the Medicare Advantage plans.

Water Cooler Advice May Be All Watered Down

While executive benefits such as stock options, other equity compensation, and deferred compensation can be powerful accumulation tools, knowing how they fit into your overall financial picture can be challenging.