Maximize Your Limits

As many people are receiving their first paycheck of 2020, it is important to review your pay stub in order to maximize income. There are several changes you may want to make as we head into 2020.

Are Those Happy Tears?

Tears, bottles, diaper changes, onesies, little fingers, and strange sleep schedules – as many of you know, these are just a few of the things to expect when you bring home your newborn from the hospital. And here’s something else to expect: new tax credits! While I know good parents don’t have kids to lower their tax bill, it’s nice of the US Government to extend a bit of kindness to those taking on the heartache – and joy! – of becoming parents.

Dividing Finances in Divorce

If you or someone you know is going through the divorce process, make sure they have the right team in place to guide them throughout with the entire process. As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), I can help walk through the complexities.

Navigating Financial Health in Retirement

Planning for retirement is the journey of a lifetime – a marathon, not a sprint. But what happens after you cross the finish line? Read on for more on the art and science of navigating life after the working world. 

Psychology and Wealth

The different ways people react to and treat wealth and finances is fascinating. Although not everyone can be put in a box, there are five main personality types when it comes to psychology and wealth: Neuroticism/Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness. 

A Missed Vikings Game and My Emotional Spending

My husband and I bought tickets to see the Vikings play their final game of the regular season. We wanted to do something fun during the dark and cold days of January, and we wanted to do it together, without the kids. But...

The Power of Delegation for Executives

Are you making the most of the rewards for your hard work? Your organization benefits from your time, effort, and management skills, but does your family get the most from all that effort?

Single Stock- Too Much of a Good Thing

Executives often have a significant portion of their wealth in their company stock. For retiring or retired executives, or those who have more than their holding requirements, we work to determine how much, if any, they should continue to hold and how to tax-efficiently decrease their exposure as needed.