Alphabet Soup

Many industries use acronyms. Financial services are no different: QCD, RMD, DAF, and IRA to name a few. They each have their own rules and guidelines. We enjoy working with clients on a daily basis to help make sense of these terms.

5/29 is for 529’s

May 29th is National 529 plan day. While there are many ways to save for future college expenses, a 529 plan remains one of the best.

Raising Kids, Lowering Taxes

Raising kids costs money. But what if I told you that raising kids also lowers taxes? Here are a few areas of tax relief available to parents.

Don’t Leave Your Last Round to Chance

I certainly would argue that building a business is more than just a dice game, but both involve risk. How you fill out your scoresheet in Yahtzee is a good example of what business owners might decide to do with their business profits.

Asking the Right Question

As a paramedic, my dad built a career out of caring for people, and in virtually every instance, did so by starting with one simple question: "What hurts?" For over 30 years now at Foster Group, we've been asking the same question. 

Health, Wealth, and Time

David Safris, President and Co-owner of Visionary Services, Inc., shares how long-term planning and balancing health, wealth, and time helped him pursue a lifelong dream.

Med School Grads, Do These Three Things First

As a recent medical school graduate, resident, or doctor early in your career, there are a few key things to consider for your financial well-being. The earlier you develop a strategy for these things, the greater the benefit.

Steps to Take When a Loved One Dies

The death of a loved one is often met with a period of grief and adjustment. Determining what must be done to close out a decedent’s financial affairs can be overwhelming, especially during this time.