June 7, 2021 Financial Perspectives

It’s summertime and we have two summer’s worth of movies to look forward to after 2020’s reduced calendar. AMC, a company that runs movie theaters has seen their stock value go way up in the past few weeks. Is this about great movies or something else? This week Kent Kramer talks about two different valuation theories: Firm Foundation Theory and Castle-in-the-air Theory.

Decoding Crypto(currency) Webinar, June 3, 2021

Are you curious about all the buzz around Cryptocurrency? What is it and should you consider investing in it? Tune in to our on-demand webinar where Kent Kramer, Jason Brown, and Ryne Oller dive into decoding cryptocurrency.

May 24, 2021 Financial Perspectives

This week Kent Kramer talks with Daniel Wallick from Vanguard for part two of our interview. This second part focuses on constructing a portfolio, different types of primary goals, and comparing your success to others’.

May 10, 2021 Financial Perspectives

Daniel Wallick joins us from Vanguard for a two-part interview on our bi-monthly Financial Perspectives. This first part centers on interest rates, inflation, and the bond market. Are you wondering about what part bonds play in your portfolio and what do interest rates and potential inflation have to do with that?

April 26, 2021 Financial Perspectives

Markets have been reaching some all-time highs recently. US stock markets, foreign stock markets, even newer assets like bitcoin, SPACs, and NFTs have been soaring much of the past six months. At these relatively high values more than a few skeptics are predicting a fall. Some say correction – a temporary minor adjustment; some say crash – major problem ahead. Is there a reason to be acrophobic – fearful about markets at record heights?

May 15, 2020 Financial Perspectives

0:58 - Recap of the News this Week
2:14 - Market Results for the Week
3:01 - What Companies Will Do Best Coming Out of the Crisis?
3:40 - Quality and Growth
7:04 - Growth or Value
9:32 - Growth or Value or Something Else?

May 7, 2020 Financial Perspectives

2:03 - Recap of the News this Week
4:17 - Market Results for the Week
4:45 - Largest US Companies in the NASDAQ Index
9:15 - A Historical Look at NASDAQ Returns

Vaccine for Physician Pocketbooks

While many in the healthcare profession are working tirelessly to meet the demands the COVID-19 virus has placed on the system, others have seen their hours cut and sources of income dwindle. Here are some options for those of you whose financial situation has changed dramatically in the past few months.

April 24, 2020 Financial Perspectives

Kent gives a quick recap of market performance so far this year and why it’s important for investors to stay invested. He also takes a look at the oil price shock and how oil and energy prices have affected the economy historically.

Concentration Can Be a Killer

Matt Moklestad gives a brief reminder of why diversification is important, especially in these volatile times.

April 17, 2020 Financial Perspectives

Kent gives a recap of the market over the past week including a look at the current state of unemployment. He also takes a look back at the past 20 years of asset class returns.

April 3, 2020 Financial Perspectives

In this Foster Group update, Chief Investment Officer, Kent Kramer gives an investment recap from the past week and discusses bear markets, recessions, and recovery.